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Laura Kelly avatarLaura Kelly

    Hello! I am a a double-board certified Doctor of Oriental Medicine practicing integrative health nationally in the US.  I combine precision medicine with natural medicine to create sustainable health for the human body and the planet.  I am an internationally published author with 2 books out this year (2024), two-time company founder, and innovator in the natural medicine field.  This looks like a very interesting group, would love to connect and discuss!

    My approach to patient care and disease resolution combines deep Western medical science with a modern take on natural medicine, creating a Precision Natural Medicine paradigm that enables us to successfully target disease mechanisms – but with natural products.

    This work has led to a collaboration with Dr. Stuart Kim, Stanford Professor Emeritus, enabling a data-based natural medical solution that consistently reverses age-related osteoporosis, with superior results to the pharmaceuticals.

    In addition I work with Dr. Kathrin Meyer of the Kathrin Meyer Lab, finding natural solutions for children with rare genetic disorders.

    My work in mid-life women’s wellness has led to the development of a natural product for mid-life women’s vaginal wellness, the first of its kind in the market.

    My books include:

    The Healthy Bones Nutrition Plan and Cookbook (Chelsea Green, Mobiwell, and Sirio), and a follow up, The Healthy Bones Plant-Based Nutrition Plan and Cookbook (released 9/24, Chelsea Green/Rizzoli). These companion books provide the reader with detailed knowledge on bone health, how to combine foods for bone health, and how to go about making an effective natural medicine recovery plan.

    On the other side of the medical spectrum, I created a book on the future of medicine for the Academic Press at Elsevier, for November release 2024. The Implementation of Personalized Precision Medicine is a landscape view of cutting edge conventional medical technology, considering proteomics, epigenetics, exposomics, etc, looking at how these advanced biomarkers and technologies lead naturally to a Preventive medical paradigm within a conventional medical context.

    I’m very good at translating high science and medicine to the public, and I do provide a unique medical worldview fusing science with traditional natural medicines.

    I love sharing my knowledge and importantly, data – helping people, especially mid-life women, who are drastically underserved by the current medical paradigm.

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by Laura Kelly avatarLaura Kelly.
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